Start before you’re ready. These are words of wisdom I decided to follow when starting this blog. “Ready” can be a moving target at the best of times. And if I’m honest, in the past when I thought I was ready for something, once I’d started it turned out I probably wasn’t ready at all. Home ownership, starting a family, even gardening … but we figure it out as we go along, right?
If you wait until you’re ready, it’s almost certainly too late.
Seth Godin
And so this blog space isn’t “ready”, but it doesn’t stop me from showing up every day and writing a few things, showing you what’s on my desk, and hitting Publish. Yesterday we added a little Welcome section to the sidebar, but lots of pieces are still missing.
If we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting the rest of our lives.
Lemony Snicket (The Ersatz Elevator)
Thanks for being here before the kinks have been ironed out, before the finished product. Let’s grow together, and keep pursuing all the ideas without being “ready”.
stationery in the photo
P.S. I just finished the second season of The Parisian Agency which is a treat for the eyes. Also a family who started before being ready.